What are Small Groups?
Imagine a family filled with people who care about you, root for you, and want to see you succeed and grow into the person God has designed you to be. In this micro community, you’ll get to know a “small group” of people who are all striving towards the same goal. Small groups eat together, laugh together, learn together, and encourage each other as they live life out together. Each SG is different in meeting time, place, flavor, and stages of life, but each fully committed to running together after Jesus. Don’t have a Small Group? Jump in one, today!

Purpose for Small Groups
To promote authentic community and discipleship at FBC through careful study of God’s Word, service, fellowship, and prayer.

Goals For Our Groups
We see multiplying groups as a result of spiritual growth, groups activated and serving within our local church. A deeper connection within our congregation and personal leadership development
Find YOUR Group
Below are all our groups who have room to add more people. Simply select a group, and click "ask to join." The SG leader will respond to you at their earliest convenience and arrange for you to check out their next group meeting. If it's not a good fit, they'll pass you along to Pastor Dave, and he'll help facilitate finding you a great group to fit your needs!